Sorghum grains

Packaging: 1 kg, and 0.5 kg 

Sorghum is an underrated, nutrient-rich cereal grain. Half a cup of uncooked sorghum (96 grams) provides:

Calories : 316
Protein : 10 grams
Fat : 3 grams
Carbohydrates : 69 grams
Fibre : 6 grams
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) : 26% of the Daily Value (DV)
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) : 7% of the DV
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) : 7% of the DV
Vitamin B6 : 25% of the DV
Copper : 30%of the DV
Iron : 18% of the DV
Magnesium : 37% of the DV
Phosphorus : 22% of the DV
Potassium : 7% of the DV
Zinc : 14% of the DV 

Sorghum flour

Packaging: 1 kg, and 0.5 kg .

This high protein and gluten free flour can be use as an alternative substitution for wheat flour. 

Sorghum briquette


This can be use for barbeque cooking. This sorghum briquette heat is stable, smokeless and odorless.


Material: Sorghum bagasse

Sorghum Kayakopi

Specially roasted sorghum grains to create "coffee-like" taste and experience, a healthy substitute to regular coffee beans.

Enjoy the new experience coffee-like drinks with no side effect of regular coffee, no acidity no caffeine, no bloating, and no heartbeats increase.

Made from naturally grown sorghum grains. Kayakopi sorghum contains rich sorghum grains benefit in an unique coffee-like taste to cheer up your days.

Popped sorghum

Healthy gluten-free snacks. Once you taste it, you can't stop having it.

Ingredients: sorghum grains

Packaging: 60 gram

Variant: Original, extra hot, barbeque, butter. 

Ayundya farm 2020
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