

The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) records that every 8 seconds someone dies from diabetes in the world. The number of people with diabetes in the world rises to 425 million in year 2017, 

The average of people who wants to live a healthy life mostly turned back since it requires a very high cost of life, especially for its healthy food products that is not easily reached by several social economies stages.

Indonesia is among the five countries in the world with the highest number of stunting cases. While the country reduced its prevalence of stunting was from 37.2 percent in 2013 to 27.7 percent in 2019, more than one in four children are stunted and unable to realize their full potential.


Sorghum low on the glycemic index, high protein and fiber, This mix is beneficial for people with diabetes since it retards the rate at which glucose gets into the bloodstream, and helps to keep blood sugar levels from spiking. Research also indicates that some types of sorghum inhibit protein glycation, or the bonding of sugar molecules with protein molecules, suggesting sorghum consumption may be a natural way to reduce the incidence of insulin resistance and diabetes. 

Ayundya sorghum grain price are equivalent to the price of rice as low price diabetic product to reduce diabetic fatalities number. 

Sorghum meets the nutritional needs to reduce or to threats stunting. 

Ayundya farm 2020
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